Rusted Rake Farm Eatery Forced to Close by ALC
After two years of business, Rusted Rake Farm Eatery has been forced to close by the Agricultural Land Commission.
The first sign of trouble for the eatery came in May, when they were told that the business did not conform to Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) rules. In an effort to abide by the rules, the business determined to add a brewery to the land. But despite attempts to cross their T's and dot their I's, owners Jodie Lucas and Will Gemmell had their applications for the brewery and restaurant denied. The restaurant's last day of business in September cost 15 people their jobs and the community a welcoming place to get together.
A petition has been started in the hopes that ALR rules will be re-evaluated and that changes will be made to the bills that will allow farmers and ranchers to have a voice in the use of their land.