Current Craving

B.C. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts, in their shell, keep exceptionally well during the winter months and their subtle sweet flavour and dense, buttery flesh complement a varie...
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B.C. Hazelnuts

Current Craving

Chocolate Ganache Tart with Toasted Hazelnut Crust

Dark chocolate is melted into a smooth and glossy ganache, poured into a toasted hazelnut crust and topped with additional toasted hazelnuts. A rich, ...
In Season

Dancing with Fire

A conversation with Andrea Alridge at Janevca Kitchen and Lounge
In Season

Braised Pork Cheeks with Port and Mustard Butter

Recipe from Andrea Alridge at Janevca Kitchen and Lounge

Cider's Refreshing Revival

Innovations like wild fermentation and barrel aging have brought a new depth and complexity to the drink.

Hard Thyme

Recipe by Andrew Langford
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Hard Thyme

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