In Season Recipes from Mahle House

Photography By | September 07, 2021
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At the Mahle House Restaurant, just south of Nanaimo, the seasonal menu is designed to showcase the elaborate garden that they tend themselves. “It is a ton of work,” claims chef/owner Stephen Wilson, “but I enjoy having some unique products to offer our guests, and I’m happy that most of them appreciate that these were grown close by, organically and picked fresh with pride and love.” The staples, depending upon the season, include Thumbelina carrots, cylinder beets, beans, spinach, romaine, French breakfast radishes, Hakurei turnips, kale, arugula, tomatoes, chard, squash, cucumber and the odd experimental crop. They also have 45 chickens, whose eggs are featured prominently in the dessert program.

“My mother finds it very amusing…in my youth she always had a vegetable garden and I loathed when we had to help…especially with the weeding. How times have changed.”

Create these beautiful and delicious dishes from Mahle House in your own kitchen with recipes provided by owner/chefs Stephen Wilson and Luke Griffin.


Miso Orange Sous Vide Hakurei Turnips


Pan-seared Lingcod with Sous Vide Honey Carrots, Parisienne Potatoes, Cucumber Salsa, Truffle Vinaigrette and Sweet Pea Puree