Rose Cowles

Rose Cowles is a multimedia, Governor-General Award-nominated artist who has won many awards for both book illustration and graphic design. She works full-time primarily as a freelancer now and caters to those who seek art either by collection or by commission. She works with fine art, graphic design and illustrations, so whatever you need, she can help you tell your story by bringing it to life visually. 

Victoria | (250) 858-8932

Sweetpea Gallery

Sweetpea Gallery is a digital and irl space that supports early career artists. Through their pop-up gallery installations, online content, and the sale of artwork and merch, they help connect you to some of the best emerging artistic talent in the country who need your support.

They represent over 25 artists who work in traditional mediums like oil and acrylic, and some more experiential work like installation and soft scultpure.

Sidney Business Improvement Area Society

Sidney is one of those iconically beautiful locations that just begs to be explored by locals and tourists alike. With spectacular views of the Southern Gulf Islands, San Juan Islands and Mount Baker, the area is the perfect place to get away from the stress of day-to-day life. 

2281 Beacon Avenue, Sidney | (250) 893-0093

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