Mocktails for Kids

By | April 04, 2020
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Get your kids in the kitchen with you making their own mocktails while you’re all staying at home together. Not only can this teach them some of the cool kitchen science of drinks, but it’s a refreshing treat for you as well. Any garnish you add can also be a snack, so take advantage of those apples, citrus fruits and melons to make a drink look exciting and also more than just something to sip on. Some of the following recipes are from our own Edible community, so tag us on social media in your mocktail-making escapades.

This Sun Tea recipe from Edible Ottawa can be made with any herbs, fruits and additions that take your fancy. Let nature do most of the work for this one. When the sun comes out, put the jar outside to bask in its warmth and watch as the tea colours the water. Make a few different kinds and find out what everyone likes best. Try various teas with different herbs and then keep the best recipes to make all summer long. 

Edible Indy has a long list of great mocktails and this recipe for an Apple Pop Tart Mocktail is one of them. Step up your garnish game when it comes to kids’ drinks and it could double as  a snack. The non-alcoholic ginger beer gives the drink a fuzzy element that will tickle noses and make the kids feel like they’re having a treat with the grown ups. There’s a link in this recipe to a Szechwan Peppercorn Basil Lemonade that is a base for many other mocktails in their list. The base is a simple syrup that really is simple and makes for a nice twist on lemonade and other drinks.  


Of course, this recipe would be made without the St. Germain and sparkling wine for the kids, but try the recipe out to mix up the classic root beer float. There are so many colourful, flavoured and carbonated (and might I add sugar-free) drinks out there that can be made into a dessert with a scoop of ice cream. This Blueberry Lavender Ice Cream Float recipe from Edible Indy is a fun way to try out new flavours and get creative with berry and stone-fruit jams to add another layer of fun to these floats. 

We might be waiting a little while for local watermelons, but when you start to see them hitting the shelves this Watermelon Slushy from Edible Northeast Florida is an easy blended drink that has potential to be less messy than letting kids run wild with watermelon slices. Leave out the vodka for the kids, but maybe make a special second batch for the adults! 

The kids will love this one as soon as you tell them what it's called: A Fuzzy Caterpillar Mocktail! Thanks to Edible Indy for sharing this drink that sounds as refreshing as it does fun.

Is there anything more refreshing than a cold raspberry drink? This Raspberry Lemonade Chamomile Cooler from Edible Sarasota is a great way to give the kids a tasty and colourful drink that isn't just a juice filled with sugar.