Back to Routine

By | May 01, 2024
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Photo by Leila Kwok, provided by Jeju Restaurant

Back to school, back to work, back to routine—and yes, for some of us, this also means back to packing school lunches. When my kids were young, I was always looking for creative ideas; one fall I bought a bento box lunch kit that I would fill it with clever snacks, treats and cut-up fruit and veggies (like Heidi Richter's fun-packed lunch ideas on page XXX). But a few weeks into the school year, my son asked me why I wasn’t making sandwiches anymore. “I thought you were sick of sandwiches,” I replied. “No,” he answered, “I was sick of the same old sandwich you made me every day but I love sandwiches!”

This sandwich epiphany inspired me to look at lunch through a whole new lens. I realized it was time to embrace the sandwich. Since then, I have had so much fun creating unique, delicious, playful sandwiches. I have used everything from wraps and pita pockets to thick slices of homemade sourdough bread, potato buns and nutty squirrel bread. I have experimented with different mustards, pickles, veggies, herbs and of course, proteins; the options are endless when it comes to creating your perfect sandwich. When I need a break from making lunches, my favourite lunch hack is to buy a delicious "meal to go" from one of the many Island food prep companies and ensure there are leftovers for lunch. This gives me a day off from making dinner and lunch. I also feel good about supporting local businesses that work hard to use local ingredients.

Fall has a way of giving us permission to try something new, and we hope this autumn issue inspires you to discover a new recipe, restaurant, farmer’s market or hidden culinary gem.

–Karen Elgersma, Publisher

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” F. Scott Fitzgerald